Monday, April 9, 2012

Bunting Flags

One more for today...

There were too many awesome flower decorations to pick just one as my favorite but I absolutely loved these flags! Here is the original pin...

And here is a picture from the shower featuring the recreation...

My mom used bed sheets from the Salvation Army to create these flags... I LOVED the different patterns and the vintage look of all the colors together! It turned out to be such an adorable decoration!

PROS - CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP, vintage look
CONS - It, no doubt, took some time to sew this together BUT I'm so glad she did!

Rockin' Date Night

Another shower pin... I originally pinned this pin as a wedding idea 27 weeks ago! I loved the idea mostly because James and I are constantly looking for ideas for date night! My mom put her own twist on the idea! Here is the Can O' Dates...

Here is my mom's version...

LOVED IT! The shower guests had a good time writing on the rocks and leaving them for my fiance and I! We can't wait to read them all and put them to good use! :) 

CONS - Is there any!?

DIY Window Picture

So I've been lagging on posts with school winding down... but I'm back. I've got plenty of pin recreations thanks to the amazing shower I just had last weekend! My mom is amazing! The first pin-spiration came from this pin...

I've had this pinned on my page for five weeks and my mom definitely took notice! She found a window, picked an engagement picture and recreated this...

I absolutely LOVE it! First, it's one of my favorite engagement pictures of us and second, it is going to make the perfect picture to hang above our bed in our new place! Here are the PROS and CONS I can give without actually making this myself...

CONS - My mom said she had to take the frame to Hobby Lobby three times for them to get the glass size correct so that would certainly be time consuming

PROS - Your daughter will totally tear up when she sees it and love you forever for doing it! ;)