Monday, January 23, 2012

Chicken Taquitos

It's safe to say that if there are any pins that have anything to do with mexican dishes with chicken/cheese then I've repinned it! This one is no exception... the original pin came from this site. Here is what their version looked like (again, another model picture)...

And here is mine...

So I kept the recipe the same except that I didn't add the lime juice, it's expensive and 1 tbsp certainly doesn't throw off an entire dish... and it certainly didn't in this case! These were super super yummy! My fiance and brother had no problems polishing off the leftovers that night... I would definitely suggest using flour tortillas as the recipe suggested... my experience with corn tortillas isn't good. Also, it's definitely difficult to wrap them up as tight as the recipe suggested. And, as always, I added more cheese than the recipe called for! :) 

PROS - yummmmm!
CONS - not as pretty as the picture... and don't bank on leftovers ;) 

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